Latest — Pact Coffee — A Better Way

Pact Coffee — A Better Way

New brand positioning and campaign to make the coffee lovers of London think twice about the coffee they put in their cup.​

Pact Coffee, the independent speciality coffee brand, is inviting Londoners to think more consciously about where their daily coffee comes and ‘make a Pact to fix the coffee industry’ in its first major ad campaign.

The campaign exposes the bitter truth behind the coffee industry — namely that for too long coffee growers globally have been drastically underpaid for the coffee they produce, while consumers have been subject to beans which have been burnt to a crisp to disguise their poor quality.


Two sugars won’t hide the bitter truth

The campaign, which will also run on local radio in the capital and across social media, launched on September 6th. The outdoor ads appeared across major OOH sites in London, as well as on public transport.

Paul Turton, Pact Coffee Chief Executive Officer, said: After nearly ten years of quietly challenging the norms of the coffee industry, enough is enough and now we’re excited to be raising our voices and taking our mission to the streets of London. This campaign marks a huge step change for Pact Coffee as a leader in the speciality coffee industry and we hope that it will compel consumers, businesses and other coffee brands to sit up, take note and join us in finding a better way to make, enjoy and serve coffee.”

For more information on this project or to work with Ourselves, call or email Steven Bennett-Day.

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